공지사항[소모임] Stammtisch_2019 04 04
When Thursday, April 4, 2019 19:00~
Where 더블린 나나 스트리트 Dublin NaNa St.
(용산구 한남동 272-3 카본데일빌딩 1층/ 272-3, Hannamdong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
* Valet parking available
Fee Own Expense (self-order & self-pay) * RSVP not required.
The Stammtisch is an open networking gathering that members of KDG and DKS (Deutsch-Koreanischer Stammtisch) can interact with one another.
Please feel free to join us in the upcoming event!
협회소개 | 이용약관 | 개인정보취급방침
사단법인 한독협회
Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V.
서울시 강남구 테헤란로 132 | secretary@handok.com | 02-527-5197
When Thursday, April 4, 2019 19:00~
Where 더블린 나나 스트리트 Dublin NaNa St.
(용산구 한남동 272-3 카본데일빌딩 1층/ 272-3, Hannamdong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul
* Valet parking available
Fee Own Expense (self-order & self-pay) * RSVP not required.
The Stammtisch is an open networking gathering that members of KDG and DKS (Deutsch-Koreanischer Stammtisch) can interact with one another.
Please feel free to join us in the upcoming event!