
공지사항[소모임] stammtisch_2023 05 04

조회수 340


We invite you to join our small group activity!




Stammtisch on May 4, 2023


Stammtisch is a casual networking gathering jointly hosted by KDG and DKS (Deutsch-Koreanischer Stammtisch). It is open to everyone with an interest in Korea, Germany and beyond!


WHEN    May 4(Thu), 2023, 18:30~23:00


WHERE   TRIBU (트리부) in GyeongRiDanKil (26, Hoenamu-ro, Yongsan-gu) Link


The venue is a very young and beautiful South American restaurant and bar "TRIBU" in KyeongRiDanKil. TRIBU is already known as a must-go-place(맛집) for South American food and drink lovers. Please feel free to bring your friends for a relaxing beer and enjoy special prices and dishes.




KDG continues to sponsor this monthly event Stammtisch with a certain amount, thus TRIBU is able to offer special prices for the participants.


The first 40 500cc glasses of Weizen are for free and sponsored by KDG.


The venue will be reserved exclusively for us during the Stammtisch but we will also accept other guests to enjoy together the evening with KDG and DKS.



<Special Stammtisch Rates>


- Paulaner Weizen vom Fass 550ml: 7,000 won


- Erdinger Pils aus der Flasche 330ml: 6,000 won


- Bratwuerste mit Kartoffelpueree und Sauerkraut : 15,000


- Gulasch Deutscher Art mit Brot : 15,000 (limited to 25 portions)


P.S.: additional freebees in discussion



사단법인 한독협회

Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. 

서울시 강남구 테헤란로 132    |    secretary@handok.com     |    02-527-5197