
정기총회[정기총회] 2024 정기총회 겸 야유회 1등 당첨자 여행 후기

조회수 256

Last May, Michael Kim won the first prize, a 2 million won travel voucher, at the KDG Annual General Meeting.

He took this opportunity to book tickets to travel to Germany with his wife and three children for their first family trip together to Germany!

They visited various places like Frankfurt, Berlin, Hamburg, and Freiburg, and had a wonderful time meeting many people.

We hope this was a great gift for his family as well. 😊

Who will be the first prize winner next year? We look forward to finding out!

사단법인 한독협회

Koreanisch-Deutsche Gesellschaft e.V. 

서울시 강남구 테헤란로 132    |    secretary@handok.com     |    02-527-5197